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Best Practise When Shipping Chemical Drums via Truck Transportation

Loading Drums on the Floor vs. on pallets, that is the question.

Many chemical transportation shippers load drums differently into trucks. Some have a policy of loading on the floor without pallets. Others, have a policy of loading on pallets. Here are the pros and cons of both approaches.

Chemical Transportation of Drums On the Floor Pros:

Chemical Transportation of Drums On the Floor Cons:

Chemical Transportation On Pallets Pros

Chemical Transportation On Pallets Cons


To get the best of both worlds, safety and economy, I usually recommend to my customers to load full loads on the floor for their chemical shipments and LTLĀ on pallets. Full loads of chemical shipments are unlikely to be cross docked, and without pallets you can take advantage of filling the truck to maximum weight with product. When shipping LTL, your product is protected better and easier to cross dock. When shipping LTL the weight of a few extra pallets is not significant in pricing.

Chemical Transportation and hazmat trucks

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